It’s been a few years since I’ve written here, so I thought I’d start by going back and reading some of my old posts. The following paragraph jumped out from something I wrote in 2005. U.S. real-estate slowdown will have global consequences: Interest rates, U.S. bond prices, U.S. consumer confidence, dollar exchange rates (and hence […]
We Really Don’t Dream Big Enough.
I grew up with a poster in my room saying “The size of your world is as big as your dreams”. It was always there when you woke up to remind you to think beyond the box. It still hangs there in my room at my parents place. It’s the thought that came into my […]
The Startup WorkForce : A Proposal to the Community.
This is a wonderful time to be starting up. You will come across very few people who will give comparisons to all the benefits they get working for big corporates. Its one such time. Hiring will be slightly easier, and retaining them will be even more easier. Even in the midst of all that, it […]
Indian SMBs to spend $1.26 billion for Internet services in ’08
A report by market research firm Access Markets International Partners estimates that Indian SMBs will spend $1.26 billion on Internet-related products and services in 2008, an amazing 35% increase from the last year. Considering the fact that data security and compliance is generally the third or fourth factor in the priority-list of SMBs (after things […]
Mobile Development Report
I recently came across this report titled “The Mobile Development Report“, published by CKS on a research commissioned by Nokia for developmental use of mobile networks in emerging economies. The report focuses on social transformations around a new technology and its adoption. The report beautifully documents lives and ways Indians in tier 2 cities and […]
A Funded Startup: An Alienated Brother?
I have seen this cycle happen over and over again. There would be a set of guys who’d be around in most barcamps and social circles and someday they’d decide to start a company, and eventually build a product that’d gain quite a bit of traction from the “first adopters” that you find in barcamps, […]
Last and Final Call for July Edition ’08.
The Nominations for this edition of seems like they all came in in a flurry in the last couple of weeks in quite a bit of speed. We have close to 80 Nominations and some very fabulously interesting companies – there are 12 that I am personally handpicking after a lot of debate and […]
Where Are India’s Innovative Companies, Products and Solutions?
Interesting Post Where Are India’s Innovative Companies, Products and Solutions? India produces some of the brightest minds in technology, science and medicine yet has not demonstrated any truly large scale and breakthrough innovations in those fields. more here I mean…..why NOT fill the gaps?
Vision India 2020: Preface
This is a new series in which I invite readers to take a journey with me into the future through the minds of multiple entrepreneurs, who by addressing the opportunities I see today, will perhaps shape the future of India. But in this series, we will close our eyes, and exist in this future, and […]
Startups Exploited: An Open Letter.
This might be very personal, but I doubt it can be avoided. For the past two years, there has been a lot of time, commitment, travel, stress, energy, and personal money that has gone into a really ridiculous goal – one of creating a culture of oneness, open communication and one where startups stand a […]
Meeting Online this Saturday [Today] @ 3PM
Compared to how things were a few years back, the Startup Community has come together in such a fabulous way. We have OpenCoffee Club meets, Startup Lunches, Startup Saturdays, Mobile Mondays, Barcamps, Ideacamps etc, etc, and the plethora of other activities that organizations such as TiE, NEN, NASSCOM, etc are providing to benefit this same […]
Pradeep Khosla: The Entrepreneurial Dean of Carnegie Mellon University
How does Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), a renowned research US university foster research and a spirit of innovation among its students and faculty? How does CMU do tech transfer? What is unique about the US university system that helps in creating startups and companies? Is there something that India can learn from the US University […]