I read this interesting article recently- about how Delhi is the new hub for tech startups– in Wall Street journal. I am curious- what are the experiences/opinions of other members- who may have worked in multiple Indian metros on the subject. — Below article is a mirror of article in Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204485304576644220533569618.html Delhi […]
NASSCOM EMERGEOUT 2011 – New age opportunities for software companies
Unarguably, the next drivers of the Indian Tech Industry will be in the domain of Cloud and Mobile. In the next 5 years, the number of Internet users is expected to increase by three-fold, to a whopping 300 million. This penetration will most certainly include the semi-urban segment which is largely out of the ambit […]
Last and Final Call for Proto.in July Edition ’08.
The Nominations for this edition of Proto.in seems like they all came in in a flurry in the last couple of weeks in quite a bit of speed. We have close to 80 Nominations and some very fabulously interesting companies – there are 12 that I am personally handpicking after a lot of debate and […]
Proto.in Delhi Edition: Nominations Open. Now!
Hi Everyone!. We are back in the beginning stages of those exciting times again! There has been a lot of silent activity happening at our end this time, to make things happen much earlier on, so that we could probably add a bit more value to the startups that are presenting. There are some hard […]
Office space in Delhi
Hi Everyone, We are opening a sales office in Delhi and are looking for a functional set-up in a high quality building that can house 2 people there. We’d like a cabin or 2 cubicles with phones with 24/7 access to broadband, phones, a meeting room etc. in a commercial hub. I’d appreciate any leads […]