Any question, trouble, bottleneck or doubt that you face in your startup journey or on your road to startup, Post here.

On this page, entrepreneurs who are just starting up or those who are trying to scale their ventures, can ask any questions. These questions will serve as guidance for contributors at Venture Woods, to take cues from and write articles on. We hope that this initiative will help the venture woods community answer some pressing questions which entrepreneurs might be facing at present.

Some pointers:

  1. Your question should be posted as a comment to this post.
  2. Please keep your questions at a sufficiently high level so that these questions can be useful for other entrepreneurs also. It is not possible for the community to answer questions which are very narrow and particular to your case/venture only.
  3. If a question or its similar version has been posted once, please do not repost. Instead, ‘Like’ already posted questions. Most ‘Liked’ questions will serve as an indication for the community as a more pressing issue to write on.
  4. Please do not reply to already posted comments (questions), all new questions should be posted as new ‘comments’ not as a ‘reply’ to old comments.