I attended a W3C conference in Delhi about a fortnight ago. W3C works on developing standards to make the web more pervasive. They have an office at CDAC in Noida. I am pretty certain that in the next decade some of these standards will help produce elephants just as the http standard created a revolution. Besides XML,RSS etc. one standard that is becoming popular is Voice XML.

Most of the technical stuff at the conference was too much for me but the business implications of the stuff being worked on were clear. For anyone who claims to be on the cutting edge technically it would seem to me that being aware of W3C is important.

What is more interesting from an entrepreneurial perspective is to leverage the work at W3C to create elephants. It would also seem that these elephants may not be that infrastructure dependent so the lack of quality infrastructure in India may not prove to be such a bottleneck.

Maybe there are other initiatives like W3C that entrepreneurs in India can leverage or may be W3C is not something that will help. If you have any thoughts on this please comment.

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