My wife has today been formally appointed as a “shadow councillor” for Ward 103- Punjabi Bagh /Madipur in Delhi. For all intents and purposes it means she can now do whatever developmental work a good councillor should do without the malas and bhashans.

She has just issued an RFP titled “Technology Platform for Ward 103”. Entrepreneurs who believe that after social networking platforms community platforms may be a big idea worth pursuing may want to get a copy of the RFP from her by sending her an email at If you would like her to upload the RFP on the blog let her know and I can upload the RFP on her behalf on the blog.

She also has an interest in using Ward 103 as an innovation lab. So contact her if you have innovative ideas that can be tested out at a ward level. She has Silicon Valley experience so you will probably find that she understands innovative ideas and can make things happen at a ward level.

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