Arun Kumar, President and MD, Flextronics Software, and a great inspiration for the techpreneur community in India/US passed away in San Diego, USA on July 7, 2006. While the details of how a routine checkup, and an angioplasty became a threat to his life are still unclear, it just reminds us how fragile life really […]
Indian 3D animation in Cannes
Here’s a link to a news item – 3D Bollywood goes to Cannes– I picked up today morning. Looks like another story – Indian animation outsourcing – is moving towards maturity. With the depth and variety of content we have in India, not to mention, a population completely bonded with Bollywood, cricket and music, we […]
Is it already ending?
Just read this article in Businessweek.I believe media always picks up a trend a little late, and whenever they write about a boom or a bust both phenomenon are already over, i.e. the best plays are gone- both on the upcycle or the downcycle. What do you folks think? is Web 2.0 picking up or […]
Who wants to be an Entrepreneur?
I read this beautiful piece written by Subroto Bagchi in today’s TOI. Can anyone locate the clip, I tried but couldn’t. While it’s easy to generalise and say that Mr. Bagchi has a gift in expressing his thoughts lucidly, what he also manages to do is query existing myths and beliefs and perhaps, stir up […]
A “tight loose” approach
If technology as a disruptor is a given ..what is the best way to envision the next killer business opportunities? In the book “Leading the revolution”, HBS prof Gary Hamel has a quote for the new innovation solutions- Industry revolutionaries are like a missile up the tailpipe.Boom! You’re irrelevant! i.e. strategy is not the domain […]