TiE-ISB Connect ’09 will be held on October 22nd and 23rd, 2009 at Hotel Marriott Hyderabad. Organized by the TiE, Hyderabad Chapter and the Wadhwani Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (WCED), ISB. This year TiE-ISB Connect will focus on looking beyond the current challenges and focus on the real issues that face entrepreneurs as they establish and grow companies.

The conference is uniquely organized around a series of events that focus on stages of growth. If you are a starting entrepreneur you must consider attending JumpStrat your Enterprise, the Company Showcase and Panels on Seed Funding. If you are already well on your entrepreneurial journey we have something for you too: a focussed Discussion on Follow on Financing. For company executives we have discussions on growth stage funding.

In line with our changing times, TiE ISB also looks at business opportunities for the Next 800 million and to reinforce the theme of looking beyond the current crisis will have an exhilarating discussion on India Poised as opposed to India Paused.

Please visit http://www.tie-isbconnect.com to know more and register