“The nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. “ This is what President Obama said in his recent State of the Union address. Building the clean energy economy is not easy. Entrepreneurs have to start building businesses, investors will have to understanding them and professionals will […]
The Largest gathering of Cleantech companies in India
TiE Hyderabad organized the ‘Largest Gathering of Cleantech Companies in India’. The conference was held in partnership with Nexus, SONG and New Ventures India. The event was a focused “no-frills†networking event of investors and entrepreneurs. The day was divided into 4 sections: Smart Grid, Energy Efficiency, Recycling and Renewable Energy. Companies operating in each […]
TiE ISB Connect 2009 is on October 22-23 in Hyderabad
TiE-ISB Connect ’09 will be held on October 22nd and 23rd, 2009 at Hotel Marriott Hyderabad. Organized by the TiE, Hyderabad Chapter and the Wadhwani Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (WCED), ISB. This year TiE-ISB Connect will focus on looking beyond the current challenges and focus on the real issues that face entrepreneurs as they establish […]
Support for Green Businesses
New Ventures India inviting business plans from green entrepreneurs for its 2009 cycle Eco-entrepreneurs should hurry and submit their business plan to the following email addresses: hemant.nitturkar@cii.in or vamshi. krishna@cii.in Upon short-listing, twenty potential green companies will receive special mentoring from a team of experts. They will then be showcasing their business proposal and pitching […]
The Indian Education Market: Manipal K-12 (Company Profile)
The Indian educational market can prove interesting for private businesses, even in these times . India has a large population (more than 500 million) in the age group 0-24, the government spending on education is spent (nearly 97%) on meeting operational expenses and not for capital expenditure and for the average Indian, education for the […]
A learning event for entrepreneurs
Jumpstart your Enterprise is going to be held on November 5, 2008 at the ISB Campus as a part of the TIE ISB Connect 08. This is a serious day long learning session for “experienced professionals, starting entrepreneursâ€. It is a day to step back and learn…an investment in your entrepreneurial career. Click on this […]
Career Management
I have tried to develop a social networking cum saas type of application idea for managing careers – check it out
Fun non-technology opportunities?
We have had a lot of discussion on this site on technology ventures and rightly so, given the talent pool in India. However, I think that with our changing social structure there will be interesting opportunities in the recreational services space. For instance, in areas like Health & Fitness, Tourism and so on. Think of […]
SaaS opportunities
Here are some thoughts on the subject to spark off discussion: The SaaS (Software as a Service) model is an interesting development in the enterprise software segment. My predictions are that: We could see investment in SaaS companies in the India-US corridor with a lot of development and support located out of India. I also […]