Did you know that the best job for a fresher is in a startup? Well, it is.
Did you know that the best job for a growing professional or someone who loves challenges, is in a startup? Well, it is.
One of the biggest problems that startups have is in hiring people. During the last OpenCoffeeClub meet that we had here in Chennai, this was pretty much the topic, and after all the questions and answers that were debated upon, and the discussion that goes on in the forum, we have been working on it. It is a very solvable problem, just needs the right partners in place to make it happen and Proto.in has just that – all the right partners you need.
There are essentially three elements, to this problem:
1. Students are not even aware that startups are an option.
2. Startups don’t have the medium to gather mass. Most of them require one or two people, compared to the 800 people that TCS requires. End result, no placement office is all that very keen on small numbers.
3. Students need training on development platforms that make sense for startups.
Point #3 is actually a very nice business proposition. Imagine a centre like Aptech or NIIT which trains people on Python, Ruby, AJAX etc, on project (read hands-on) mode. The business can possibly make money by developing projects for smaller clients, and the very projects could also serve as assignments for the students to practice and nurture their programming talents on. As long as the centre delivers quality programmers, the startups will keep pounding to have more human resources from them, and the cycle will go on.
When I spoke about this to someone, the first thing she mentioned was, get me a centre to do this in Chennai and lets work out a franchisee model to spawn this across to various cities. I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t work. It has all the necessary ingredients to make it work. NIIT and centres such as that, should definitely look into such options.
As for #1 and #2, I have been suggesting within the Open coffee club group in Chennai towards forming a group within the startup community so that they can be tackled. There is a large scale solution of this that we are working on, which we will be unveiling during Proto (in January) and will be on fullswing starting february.
Excited? You should be. The Ecosystem is one step closer to being efficient.
I will make a more elaborate post with all the fine details on this regard, as we draw closer to unveiling this. Hold your breathe for a month.
This Post is a re-post from the Author’s Blog.
- Launching an Experiment to Spot Problems Worth Solving - November 2, 2015
- Introducing In50hrs Healthcare Edition - May 14, 2014
- Ideas Pitched / Prototyped at In50hrs Pune 5 - September 16, 2013
Apart from expertise of a particular domain, one needs to be willing to take risk if he/she wants to work for a start up. Also it requires that entrepreneurial bent of mind in order to start working for a new venture. We at http://www.gyangang.com in our small journey so far have seen that its beyond plain potential of the project that people will join you. They must be shown that they are important to the organization and they are decision makers rather than someone who will take down instructions.we promote an open culture which can facilitate a discovery or a rediscovery of us as an organization and our employees as individuals.
I don’t understand the popular opinion here. As a startup, how many people are you planning to hire? 4, 5 or at max 10.. right? Now if you’re telling me that out of lacs of engg. students across the country, you’re not able to find *10* good quality people with the right attitude then either India is not ready for startups or you’re not trying hard enough. Who cares about the average Indian engineering student? It’s the exceptional ones we are after, right?
There is enough enthusiasm for startups at engg. colleges, at least the top ones. We went looking for interns this summer and received more than 60 applications from IITs alone. All this, without even visiting the campuses even once and simply by spreading the word online. People applied because they heard about us from their seniors even though our stipend was anything but huge. The enthusiasm was remarkable too. Instead of one, we ended up getting 3 students and the quality has not been anything short of stellar. The way these 3 interns have mixed and formed a team that can deliver has been a delightful experience. I’m confident that our association with our interns will continue beyond the internship period too.
Getting the candidates excited about your company is like making a sale. If you are unable to do this, think really hard why you’re doing a startup at all.
Well, I agree that it makes sense to hire freshers because they’d bring the kind of passion and dynamism that every start up needs, and of course it would be an excellent learning opportunity for them. But the reason we aren’t heading to the nearest university or college is that we just don’t have the resources- time or money, needed to train students with no experience. Isn’t that a problem a lot of other start ups would face? Also, as many people have said, most students need sizeable packages which start ups can’t always offer. Consequently, if students do decide to leave us for better paying jobs within a short period of time, we’re affected significantly since our resources are scarce to begin with.
P.S: SearchMyCampus.com is hiring so anyone who’s said they’re interested in a job, contact me!:)
a suggestion: try talking to students in their 3rd year.
Take them on as interns during the summer. This is a good strategy because they will be more willing to experiment, you wont face as much competition and it will give both you and the student a chance to get comfortable with each other.
If they are good offer them a job at the end of their degree.
If they need to work on some skills, they have a year to pick the right courses.
There are no easy way to find out jobs in startups.
I am a BE CSE Engg., was very eager to work in a startup, not because I cant get job in big firms but I always believed in business ( I am from business background). But it’s been since 3 years I yet to come across any startup who is looking for good quality people.
Finally, after waiting for almost 2 years, I started my own venture last year, I though started a website development studio. I decided to start this because low entry barrier and I though I would learn a lot and I did learn.
Now, I am over that venture ( my partner has taken over it) and I am looking for MBA or new venture again. So if anyone has any good job profile, I am interested. Money does not matter as much as profile will.