I read the posts/comments on VW since I have been away with interest. In my opinion most of the conflict and frustration arise from a lack of understanding on what kind of funding a venture needs and at what stage it is. First time entrepreneurs find it much harder. Entrepreneurs with a track record find it much easier.

To be “Angel ready” a venture has to have the potential of an exit ( $10MM +) if no more funding will be required and a much higher exit if more funding will be required. There has to be a team, a company and some traction.

To be “VC ready” the requirements are similar to being “Angel ready” execpt that the bar is higher.

If entrepreneurs ask themselves whether they and their venture will be a good fit for the angel/VC route and what they need to do to get ready they could avoid heartburn.

Getting ready seems to be a “pain point ” and maybe the “Y combinator” approach offers a solution.

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