SINE — the incubator at IIT Mumbai, seems to have made better progress than a couple of other initiatives I have seen around. The core strength seems to be the ability to merge institutes’ strengths in technology (through students and faculty members) with experience from industry. A fair number of startups seem to involve experienced operational people. This is unlike some other incubators I have seen which tend to (either formally or informally) limit the participation to students and faculty alone.
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Does the incubator in IIT bom provide venture capital support to outsiders (Non-IITans)??
But the only prob of mine is that is not opening on my screen 🙁
Hi, i’m currently serving as Events managers in “The Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Bombay” (Abt which Mr. Roshan D’silva has commented). Firstly, thanks for those kind words. As rightly said by him, we organize lectures, competitions and various other events to inculcate the spirirt of entrepreneurship no only among IITB students but also students all over India. The latest event we are up with is “Eureka! 2006 – The International Business Plan competition”. For details:
Also, just to share the info.
We have just been awarded the best student organization promoting entrepreneurship at TiECON 2005, just concluded (14th-16th Dec,)