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Navigating through the Economic Blues

Like many other small to medium companies we are also being tested in the economic conditions – delayed payments, delayed sales decisions, delayed cash inflow. I would like to share some thoughts on how we can counter this situation. We are implementing many of the following to gear up for the rough weather. I hope […]

Project Management tools for SMB IT services firms

Project Management is the life for IT services firms. Without strong project management processes and good enterprise project management tools, delivery will suffer. I have seen that major outsourcing firms such as TCS, Infosys, CTS and others have their internal project management tools to manage delivery. However for smaller IT services firms (75-150 ppl) developing […]

Compensation in early stage ventures

Folks, I am not sure if this has been discussed before. If so, can you pls direct me to the relevant posting? I would like to know about the standard practices to decide compensation for early stage employees. Consider this example: I am planning to hire a person at the CxO level. My company is […]