In this blog post we would focus on one of the key aspect of any building fresh talent pool for growth. Every growing organization cannot ignore this essential method for talent building. This method is successful based on the Job market, Industry awareness & Social Influence on the Young Generation in that market.   There are many Government initiatives in various countries based on the business/economic environment in those countries. India – Govt. of India spending lots of money in developing resources through their National Skill Development Programs.  In Wales-UK the companies are provided grants upto 50% of employee salary to companies based on the location and skills they are hiring.


Hiring Fresh Talent:

Businesses across the globe strive to build efficiency in People, Process and Technology. A growing organization would have no choice to build within. A building within the organization means a plan for cost efficiency and building future talent the way you run your business. Many growing organizations keep certain percentage of the new workforce hiring for Fresh Talent. This gives them an edge of building and sustaining Hands to Deliver and Senior Management Head to think.  It becomes many times inevitable to recruit fresh talent for growth.


Idea: Create a simple processes for Fresh Talent Hiring in Organization including pay range(Your affordability + availability in your areas of operations), designations(do not go by fancy designations – simple meaningful for the role), Training & Orientation time (Must for getting value), Measurement of performance parameters and Growth Opportunities in future. Hit the road once these things are defined with clarity.  Variations can be possible based on Industry, market & Social circumstances around employment region.


Campus Hiring :

Campus Hiring is all about building your brand with the potential employees and bring some of the bright and new ideas into the organization. However, It’s not as easy as it sounds. It is a hard work for the employer to make an effort to identify the potential colleges who can produce the best that suits for you. No campus is right for everyone, please identify your own campus based on what you want and if they college graduates are tuned to come to your campus.

Idea: Do not go by the rank of the school when you choose.  Talk to the head of the college and see how his/her focus in grooming the students in their college.  They would be able to give you multiple options including they can send their students to your office than you going to the college.  However, there are advantages if they visit your office to keep them more close to the realities.


Hiring Tests for Evaluation:

Conducting Test is a universally used process for filtering from more applicants. This test can be applicable based on the position (especially jr.level) unless it is a mandatory Regulation in specific positions. A Selection Test can focus on the work related and non-work Related. Work related test would include the areas of business/function. Non-work related can be to test the mathematical, logical thinking ability etc.,

Idea: Building a Test for evaluation can be tedious many times. However, use this as a point of elimination first, but the result of successful candidates can be used for Discussion point during personal interviews. Build a simple test and administer internally to see the reliability and build some Upper and lower control limits for elimination (Tolerances). Do not make it lengthy, but focused on the output that you may want to draw. Include Work related & non-work related together to save time and give equal number of questions as far as possible.


Group Discussions:

Group Discussions are generally to evaluate one’s ability to collaborate and communicate with the group. This can also bring about the team dynamics and the adaptability of the individual who are involved.  The participants can be put to discuss a specific topic related to their function or general ability/knowledge. This method is again used for elimination/filtering from a large group of applicants.

Idea: Building Group Discussion evaluation is important which can focus on 3-4 key parameters which would impact the potential job that the applicant is going to face inside your organization. Typical parameters include Communication (verbal, non-verbal), Interpersonal skills, Building Ideas & Developing Relationships.


Just-In-Time Fresh Talent:

Business wants any resource Just-In-Time to make sure that the return on investment is perfectly timed. Any Business organization would be thrilled to see If they get a readymade resources for them. Currently governments are building lot of talent pool to make sure that the employment generation happens quickly. All the efforts are made to build employable people as soon as they complete their education.

Idea: As always “No pain – No Gain”. A step forward can help you to a great extent in building your talent. If you are in a specific area of specialization you could design a program which can be given to the Government Initiatives (India – National Skills Development Program). You may get in touch with your Industry association to ask for your required resources and help yourself (In India :,  in UK wales govt. : & UK Govt.  )