Digital Content : What’s NXT – Where is Money

Britannica closing down its print publication after 244 years to focus on online version!  The number of Internet users in India – estimated at around 140 million today – exceeds the number of TV sets in our homes. Facebook, with its 44 million Indian members reaches more of us than any single TV channel, Doordarshan included. While YouTube, with over 31 million Indian viewers a month, is far and away our largest English television channel. Meanwhile Twitter and Google Plus each get to about 14 million of us in a month – a number that is twice the circulation of India’s largest newspaper.  Is Digital Content be next wave in the internet world post e-commerce / mobile vas …

What will work in Digital media and what won’t. With new paradigms of tablets, Apps and micro payment gateway  reshaping the CPM economy , its time to explore and understand new business model which will drive Digital Media in new age !

Meet / interact and understand key issues surrounding digital content at “Digital Content : What’s NXT”  conference and understand these issues from leading Venture Capitalists and digital publishers / editors about the future of Digital content in India.


Key Note address : Mahendra Swarup, President – IVCA

1.  TCM Sundaram , MD & Co founder IDG Ventures

2.  Sanjay Trehan, Head MSN India

3.  R Sukumar , Editor Mint

4. Alok Mittal, Cannan Partners

5.  Sreekant Khandekar , Chairman & CEO – Banyan Netfaqs

6. Mukul Singhal, VP SAIF Partners

7. Shailesh Vickram Singh, Executive Director, SeedFund ( Moderator)


Taj Vivanta ( Taj Ambassdor) Near Khan Market, New Delhi


Tuesday, 3rd April 2012,

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