Rupee touched a long time low yesterday. For all the talk about “no intervention”, the worry marks are visible amongst regulators. More importantly, for all the talk about “global factors” that are leading to this fall, one can’t miss the fact that Rupee is the worst performing major currency against dollar in recent times. And what doesn’t even need to be argued is the fact that the economy will hurt bad because of this – not just the growing oil pool deficit, but many other issues that are going to burden the “aam aadmi” – that R. K. Lakshman character who has been made the protagonist of all the populist measures the government has been propagating at cost of reason.

So in a bid to gain from populism around the aam aadmi, we have landed up hurting the same chap because of our short sightedness. Be it discouraging investments in diverse areas, right from the business of investing itself, to retail, to aviation; be it throttling of innovation, right from insurance, to microfinance; be it populist spends whose effectiveness never matters. We seem to have developed an arrogance about our growth rate. Policy seems to have adopted the belief that growth is a given; that India is so attractive for capital that no matter what the policymakers do, capital will continue to flood the country.

This is the time for our wake up call. As much as past few years represented a positive spiral, we are staring at a short term negative spiral of economy, and if policymakers are not doing anything about it (as they claim they aren’t), they better had! India still has to deliver 30 years of super normal growth for the aam aadmi to win.