plugHROne year down the launch of commercial model of plugHR in April 2007, chasing a million dollar first year dream, plugHR proved the concept by reaching almost half of targetted numbers.

So HR can be delivered through autoserve platform, is what some two dozen CEOs experienced with plugHR managers driving their HR strategies in a highly motivated manner. Ofcourse, we faced all sorts of things along the way. But with renewals happening now, plugHR is targetting 100 companies on its platform by March 2009.

Idea is simple, we set up and run HR department for companies. 15 days and a simple sign up is all it takes to get HR department up and running with standard delivery model, professional manager on site and sharp Project manager bringing in supervision. We cleared some serious bandwidth for CEOs last year.

Not to miss, cost of running HR department crashes to half. Quite naturally then, all our clients came in through client references only & we remained geography independant. We did Mumbai, Delhi, Nasik, Singapore, attempting New Jersey, Bangalore now.

plugHR product portfolio ensures that there’s a suitable format for every size of company. Our smallest client is 7 people 🙂

I can be reached on 9870257257.

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