Hi Everyone,
We’ve just launched Save2Phone.com . Save2Phone is a central location where users can find applications and games to install on their phone. We’ve got over 2000 free, shareware and demo applications on it at the moment which you can either download from the web, Wap (wap.save2phone.com) or else by SMS (APP to 3636). It’s early days at the moment and so there are quite a few bugs and lots of user interface glitches which is why everything right now is free so rush there and you could find something really useful to put onto your phone. We support J2ME, Symbian, Pocket PC and Palm OS phones so most phones out there would have something useful on the portal.
I’d also like to use this forum to ask Mobile App developers out there to register and upload their applications onto the portal. You can do so by visiting http://www.save2phone.com/myzus/register.do
At the moment, please upload just trial or demo versions of your app or else if your app is free and you intend to test its popularity out. We’re doing a lot of things to ensure that this is the easiest way for you to distribute your application to end users across the world. It’s been 15 days and we today get about 500 successful downloads a day. If you have suggestions on what we should do for the future, please email me on roshan [at] myzU(nited) S(tates).com and we’ll do our best to incorporate the feedback. Also, please email me if you want to be the featured app on our homepage and one of us will review your app and put it there.
We just launched the service 15 days ago so please bear with us. It’s early days and we’re tinkering a lot with the system, the servers are overwhelmed with the traffic we’re already getting and our team is working round the clock to fix bugs and make sure the service improves quickly.
- Office space in Delhi - November 20, 2007
- Myzus launches Save2Phone - March 1, 2007
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