5- Don’t try to deploy your application in Q4 – Forth quarter is all about volume. 40-60% of operator’s yearly network load is sold in forth quarter. No one will take time to market your application, since channels are only interested in getting the device into customers hand.
6- Supported OS/Device platforms – You are not going to find a buyer by implementing your application just for Microsoft os Or symbian. Make sure you factor-in the cost of porting your application to at least 4-5 devices and 3-4 different OS platforms. They will ask you to port your application on every single device in their portfolio – Don’t.
7 – Simple is still good – If you think you have a simple mobile application idea that can drive their traffic…you got yourself a potential $$winner$$.
8 – know your market – You have to show them that there is some traction in the market for your mobile application.
- Mobile Payment Value Chain and Business Models - March 25, 2007
- What operators want: Partnering with Network Service Providers – Part2 - October 10, 2006
- What operators want: Partnering with Network Service Providers –Part1 - October 5, 2006
Hi Mukund,
I totally understand your concern..
Just imagine where the Internet might be, had it evolved under similar scenario.
Network operators must go, they are acting like bullies and snatch major part of the revenue. Everything has to go through them as of now, but there is a way to get off them. But its different thing that people dont want listen to our game plan.. 🙁