13th was a VC event on sidelines of TiECon. Key highlights:

1. Most people accepted the gap in early stage (series A) funding, but depending on who you believe, something around 10 funds are being raised to cater to this. People clearly see the opportunity here, and belief in Indian product companies is beginning to shape up (though still not there). Hopefully, some of these 10 funds will be successful in closing.

2. Arun Natarajan reported that early stage investments is the only category to have remained flat last year 🙁

3. Morten Lund, one of the investors in Skype was here. Interesting guy, tries to be anti-establishment. One of the things that I head more and more about is “management capital” if you will — successful entrepreneurs going out and associating with multiple startups in exchange for (largely) equity. I believe Raman is also pursuing a similar model, but with a large part of Spectramind core team with him

more to come…