, over the past two years has been slowly building a community of startup entrepreneurs, and has been successful in its mission. The fourth edition of the event, is to be right here in Delhi, in the campus of IIT Delhi, on the dates of 18th and 19th. There is a fair bit of elite audience expected, and a fair bit of buzz and activity is going on on the site if you do take a look at it. IAMAI, NASSCOM, TiE, NEN, and several organizations which are working towards the common cause of strengthening entrepreneurship are coming together, yet again.

This is an invite to the venturewoods community, should they find it to be appropriate for attending the event. For anything further on this regard, you can get in touch with Vijay at proto dot in.

Note: The Registration fee is Rs. 500 and folks can either register online, or there are locations in seven cities across the country where one can go and collect passes paying the amount in cash.