On this blog and a few others, i see a flurry of activity by VCs putting out commandments for wannabe entrepreneurs. Particularly, any thing which has the word “commandment” (ten commandments for entrepreneurs) or “not to” (how not to write a business plan) is sure to ignite my interest. I read, learn and try to relate to what we are doing.

Waiting for the air deccan flight from bangalore to bombay to take off ( and taking breaks from the proprietary low-cost-airlines airhostess uniform scoring scale that i am working on – more about that later, but here is a sneek, Go Air on top – Kingfisher at the bottom), i started thinking about commandments that entrepreneurs might have for VCs.

Here are a few that i have, would like to hear from others.

#1 Everything always changes, especially the business plan
#2 Have an entrepreneur on your team, it will put things in perspective
#3 Dont expect answers to all the questions, the guy making the pitch doesnt have them
#4 Any number beyond three years is speculation, and most probably wrong

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