In the course of interacting with so many start-ups I have found one common factor. Problem with articulating the problem statement. If you have understood the problem completely then defining it in two sentences should not be a problem at all. But therein lies the problem! A problem is a problem only if it is […]
Video: Rohit Bhargava on Branding and Personality
Since Alok wrote the previous post on branding I thought as a follow-up I’d post this video interview with Rohit Bhargava, who has a new book out called Personality Not Included. Rohit is Senior VP of Digital Strategy and Marketing at Ogilvy. He has a very popular blog aptly titled: Influential Marketing This interview was […]
Selling to the Unaffordable. Part I
Most enterprises in India look to “more economically viable” markets abroad as their target customers. If you ask them why is it that we are never focused on local demands, and the market that is seemingly so huge and is often quoted to be one of the fastest growing, the response is usually the same: […]
Marketing Plan & Budget
Hi All: I run, etailer of art products. I want advise on the components of a marketing plan and advise on a estimating a marketing budget for a startup ecommerce site. Some of the specific queries that I have are: 1. what is the typical value of online purchase in India? if any info […]