NVCA facilitated a recent research around what matters in a VC firm brand – both what entrepreneurs value, versus what VCs think is important.

Note that this is a US based study. Overall the study reinforced the importance of VC firm brand, but highlighted the differences in what entrepreneurs value (entrepreneur friendly, trustworthy, collaborative, value add) versus what VCs focus on (thought leadership, hands-on). Third party recommendations and word-of-mouth amongst entrepreneurs matters. Entrepreneurs seem to be far more influenced by lead partner reputation and next by firm’s reputation (where as VCs think of those and portfolio reputation as relatively balanced triad). Message for VC firm and partners – develop your brand in line with what your audience wants; Be out there.

It will be interesting to get perspectives from entrepreneurs in India on where their views might be different. For example, the whole incubator/accelerator phenomenon in India is extremely “hands-on” and entrepreneurs seem to appreciate it (or is it just lack of choice?) How are the influencers in emerging market like India different from those in a developed market like US?
