Bernard did a very well-prepared interview with us recently, outlining some of our learnings in India, and how they have shaped our investment themes. His key takeaways are listed here.

Guide to MP3: as per timeline of questions on the audio file

  • 0:22 — How is early-stage financing doing during this downturn compared to the last one in 2001/2002?
  • 1:20 — How is the VC model changing, if at all, and how does the global financial crisis impact this change?
  • 3:30 — What percentage of your investments targets a local or regional market versus a global market?
  • 9:10 — What advantages or disadvantages does a venture starting from India have?
  • 13:00 — If costs are lower in India than in the US, how does this affect the amount of funding required?
  • 14:48 — What market segments are you excited about today?
  • 16:00 — What one or two of your ventures do you want to tell our readers about?

Comments welcome.