Happened to be at the Mobile VAS meet at Bangalore and had a mixed opinion on the event. There were potentially more VC’s hob nobbing than innovators and geeks. As a consequence lot of “jargon” got thrown and some 😉 operator cribs. Overall there were few startups to showcase there offerings. The “Oberoi” factor was at work and striped suits were more visible than the people who really implement the concepts.

The dscussion and participation was more around “content” (mostly ringtones, movie clips, pics etc.) than utility VAS like data, analytics, etc. According to me, that would drive the application space more than the generic content.

Also I would apreciate if we are able to have some improved versions of these meets @Delhi, where I am sure lot of friends & known ones whore are working in this domain would participate.

Sanjay G

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