
I am in search of young, enthusiastic, talented people who would like to be Founding Team Member in my startup, people who are self motivated….. and want to do something different in life. My project is getting incubated at NirmaLabs, Ahmedabad – A Technology Business Incubator. Contribution is required in core electronics hardware / Pattern Recognition / Biometric related stuff…. so anybody with relevant education/experience can apply. The requirement is immediate…

Details available on – http://www.govindagrawal.com

>> Time Lines: The requirement is immediate, best will be if one can join in June 2006 itself. The product development will be at NirmaLabs, Ahmedabad. We plan to complete prototype development & testing by December 2006. We will launch the company by January 2007 at Mumbai.

>> Growth opportunities in my startup: In case you join me at this stage of my startup, you would be shifting your gear to a role with more responsibilities as we are going to launch this as a company, as a venture of NirmaLabs. Also, you would be playing a lead role while we launch (expected Jan 2007) & grow the company, get more employees, etc….

Our venture gets special touch, and high chances of success because of backing from NirmaLabs and its high profile team.

>> About the Biometric Project:
The project is getting incubated at NirmaLabs, Ahmedabad. I already have got seed fund up to Rs.20 lakhs for this project. I am working on some new innovative biometric technology, which is not generally known, and will use it for multiple applications. More details while in talks.

>>>>>>>>>> Openings are in form of < <<<<<<<<< 1. Founding team members 2. CTO - Chief Technology Officer (must be technologist at heart, must be a stud in technology to contribute to electronics / software / algorithm side of biometric project, self-motivated, and with dreams to make it BIG in technology space) 3. Employees 4. Free Lancers 5. Assignment Based developers ********************************************* >>>>> Compensation Modes:

1. Salary

2. Salary + some stake in company / ESOPs

3. Stipend + some stake in company / ESOPs

>>>>> Different skills that I am looking for in 2-3 persons (with / without experience):

1. Basic Product Development (Electronic Product Devl.)

2. Electronic Circuitry Design – (Includes selection/working on proper Microcontroller + other external peripherals, Power Supply Design, PCB Layout designing, Debugging the Hardware problems, Standard Compliance / Type Testing, Networking Interface Design, Communication Interface (RS232, RJ11) design, etc…

3. Understanding of Pattern Recognition / Image Processing

4. Embedded Software development (VC++ embedded)

5. Software Development (GUI, network programming)


In case, you feel interested, pls forward your resume to me


Govind Agrawal
Incubatee, NirmaLabs
Nirma University Campus, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway
Ahmedabad – 382481
Mobile: 09328260602
Email: govind17@gmail.com or govind@nirmalabs.org
Yahoo, GTalk:govind17 ; Skype ID:govindagrawal
Home Page: http://www.govindagrawal.com