VentureSource has published a news article on VC activity in India for the period Jan – Mar 2007

Venture capital firms invested $98.9 million in 16 Indian companies in the first quarter, a fraction of the year-ago period but about steady with the quarterly pace of 2007, according to data released today by VentureSource.

It’s difficult to compare the data to last year’s first quarter, when investment suddenly skyrocketed with 37 companies raising $512.7 million. But the next three quarters of 2007 averaged out to about 13 companies raising some $113 million.more here

Internet has its decent share in terms of Value & No. of Deals – Cleartrip and BharatMatrimony are large size deals done in Q1. Among early stage ventures: Ixigo,, Kijiji India, Study Places are few, I am aware


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