Unarguably, the next drivers of the Indian Tech Industry will be in the domain of Cloud and Mobile. In the next 5 years, the number of Internet users is expected to increase by three-fold, to a whopping 300 million. This penetration will most certainly include the semi-urban segment which is largely out of the ambit today. Studies indicate, the Cloud Computing Market, which shows a promising 110 Mn USD will touch 1 Bn USD or thereabouts during this time. Likewise 826 Mn Wireless users will expand to 1.2 Bn. All this will happen in the next 5 years. Exciting times await us!

The next wave of GDP, employment and productivity growth is most likely to come from this segment. It will lead to empowerment, as new jobs get created. Internet adoption adds 2.6 jobs for every job lost due to better productivity. It will lead to increased efficiencies as SMBs are likely to benefit the most from SaaS rationalization and availability of raw computing power. Opportunities abound, there are challenges which need to be addressed. Every edition of EMERGEOUT (now in its 8th avatar) has featured new trends – the opportunities, the journey and the roadmap to reach there. This time, the focus is on New age opportunities for software companies via Cloud, Mobile & Social platforms.

Which are the areas that this conference is likely to touch upon?

  • How do we build an eco-system which will induce young entrepreneurs to start ventures in this domain. Can we showcase enough success stories which will help break down age-old myths. Can we create channels where the individual can touch upon for financial support and not spend an insane amount of time running from pillar-to-post.
  • How does one scale up? What are the challenges of scaling-up – structurally, technically and financially? We have workshops planned, by some very senior thought leaders to address these issues.
  • Celebrating Entrepreneurship – how different are tech entrepreneurs from their predecessors.
  • Experiments with “Sales” – strategies likely to succeed.
  • Dark side of saying “No” – when and if at all should entrepreneurs walk away from deals? If at all.

These are of course some basic building blocks. Over and above this, we have NASSCOM EMERGE AppFAME Contest. We are looking for cool mobile apps that surprise and delight mobile users.  Do you have a mobile app that is making life of a customer easier, helping them save time and be more productive. Someone said they are the “rock star mobile apps.”

If you think all this is exciting enough to invest a day of your time, then please register for the 8th EMERGEOUT 2011, New Delhi. After all, August isn’t very far away and we are giving away the early bird discounts.