EMERGEOUT concalveHaving ridden the wave successfully on both the occasions – Delhi the first time, followed by Chennai, the third edition, would be hosted in the city where it all started. EMERGEOUT 2009 scheduled for 28th August in New Delhi is presently in its new avtar and growing stronger by the day. This time the theme, is “Cloud Computing – A wave of opportunities for SMEs”. There has been a paradigm shift in the thought process and CIOs are now mulling over on how to reduce capex cost and adopt a variable structure by engaging on a “pay as you use” model.

Technology as a business enabler, is fundamental to strategic decision making and adoption of a new model is feasible, only if there is real value. With technological obsolescence looming large, it is becoming progressively more difficult to assess what really works in the long run. How can SMEs leverage on the Cloud Computing model to effect a positive change in their business. For the service provider one question that begs to be answered – is it a viable revenue model? What is the total size of the market for On-demand Computing both at domestic and international level? How should we re-orient ourselves, to keep up with the Global Delivery Mechanism and ensure that we retain our leadership position. This really is a teaser and once we delve into the subject, you will appreciate even a one-day conference format is insufficient to address all the angles.

Some of the topics which would be addressed at the conference are:

* The Future of Software as a Service(SaaS) and Cloud Computing
* How SaaS and Cloud Computing are changing the IT industry and the Opportunities they present
* India market and the SaaS/Cloud Computing landscape
* Some case studies on companies who have adapted SaaS
* Demystifying SaaS, PaaS, IaaS business
* The Benefits of SaaS and doing business in the Cloud- User & Vendor Perspective
* VAS leveraging the SaaS platform
* Showcasing the NASSCOM EMERGE 50
* The Cloud with the SILVER lining

This conclave would provide the perfect platform to discuss and deliberate on this entirely new wave called the Cloud-Computing and its potential to change business. It will also address on the challenges faced as well as showcase some of the successful cases where the model has been adopted. If you are planning to switch over from your legacy system or start afresh, using  this model, then it would be well worth your time to be there in New Delhi on 28th August for the third edition of EMERGEOUT 2009, as we look into the future. I can tell you, this will be a unique opportunity to listen to some of the thought leaders of the IT Industry ideate on this subject. Look forward to meeting you..