Mint published an article (contributed by WSJ) Why Microsoft, RIM Fight Is Entering the Consumer Market

“Already, Apple Inc.’s iPhone for consumers is forcing handset makers to rethink their own hardware designs. Meanwhile, Google Inc. is expected to jump into the mobile-phone market, hoping to court consumers by delivering software to handset makers and phone carriers to create offerings that could eventually be subsidized by online advertising. ”

Like to highlight couple of points:

• Increasing focus on consumers from enterprises (Morgan’s views earlier posted by Alok share the same thought)
• Demand of enabling platform/softwares like Web Services for search, digital maps for cellphones, voice based search, targetting ad
• Smartphones comprises only 10% of the total 1.2 billion handsets worldwide – increasing demand of technologies enabling basic phones into entertainment devices

Microsoft and Google have done some small acquisitions/partnerships in mobile technology arena. We are already seeing lot of action in Indian Mobile space. Indian mobile numbers are attractive for companies like Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and investments from these will push the frontier further. Any potential Google/Msft target 🙂


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