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Facebook End Game

I am a Big FAN of Facebook and like thousands of internet enthusiast I see Mark Zukerberg as a HERO . He has created a Giant distribution Platform called Social Graph . He did it on his vision of Internet and social media . Some of his moves like News feed, Opening up the platform […]


Many of my friends are Internet and Soc Nw. Enthusiast . whenever we sit together ,we spend a lot of time discussing relative merit of every Sc.Nw site in market . some time back we were discussing most primitive form of all social Nw sites, namely DATING sites . Almost every one in group agreed […]

Attracting Vanity Users for a Social Network

I am a regular user of Social network like FaceBook,Orkut, LinkedIn. Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Networks Like Wikipedia , WikiQuote, Q&A forums like USENET ,Linkedin Answer ,Yahoo Answers . Media centric communities like Flickr,Slideshare,Youtube I have noticed that most of the time some specific member of network are more Vocal , enthusiast and involved than others. […]

Mobile Monday Delhi : 3rd Meet Up

I am Very excited to inform you that we are going to have next meeting of Mobile Monday Delhi Chapter on 26th of May . We invite you to be a part of this Event and share your thoughts with fellow mobile enthusiasts. Details of Event is given Below Mobile Monday Delhi THEME : Mobile […]