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17M advanced users, growing at 2.5M a year

A friend of mine who is the founder and CEO of a major Indian internet group estimates that in India there are 15M internet users, beyond email, who log in every week, and this is growing at about 2.5M a year. Plus add another 2M NRIs. This is the relevant Indian market for all non […]

Booths in Large Conferences

This is a comment I posted here, and have converted this into a post by itself (Thanks, Alok!) While this may be irrelevant to some of you, this is a set of my thoughts on hiring a conference booth. In the past I’ve done the rounds of tented events, all of them named IT.COM in […]

The Importance of being Entrepreneur

Sramana has a post on venture compensation, but I found the part at the end more interesting: I would go so far as to submit, working for a VC-funded startup is more like having any other job, than true entrepreneurship where you actually are your own boss. Entrepreneurs / CEOs answer to a Board. There […]