This blog is an attempt to bring the Indian venture community closer together. All its constituents, right from the entrepreneurs themselves, venture capital firms, angel funds, lawyers, recruiters, investment bankers, incubation cells — the list goes on.

As an entrepeneur, then as an angel investor and venture capital professional, I have felt that despite close alignment of our end goals, there exist vast gaps in our understanding of each other. Gaps which are often responsible for inefficiencies in the system. For example, the entrepreneurs’ collective understanding of what the “hot areas” are might be very different from the investors’ view — venturewoods is a platform to discuss, and not necessarily agree on, those views. This site is an attempt to prevent all of us from being lost in the woods.

The objective of venturewoods is to be an open community without compromising on quality. If you feel that you have thoughts that you want to share, feel free to write in and request an account. In any case, do feel free to comment. (

To help keep the community active, Amanmeet Garg and Anshuman Gupta have volunteered to help me with the upkeep of the platform. They both have keen interest in entrepreneurship and technology and want to contribute to the ecosystem. They can be reached at Aman and Anshuman.

Alok Mittal
alokmittal at gmail dot com