So, We have been kinda noticing this trend. Forums are great, and with the present rate at which the startup community seems to be growing, there is more and more a need to be real-time. We felt it, just by the way we were interacting with people on twitter, but there was certainly a need to do more.As of today, the Indian startup community has a helpline. @start24x7

How Does it work?

The account is not managed by one, but by a community of veteran entrepreneurs and mentors who are the most sought after personnel in the indian startup space and are the most active when it comes to going the mile to help someone. Start24x7 is just a way of aggregating all of them, to help you better. Infact, with the permission of Alok, would even request the folks who are active within this community to help answer questions there. Just drop a comment in this post with your name and email id, and I could create an account for you (just remember to leave your initials when responding to a query to identify)

How Does anyone use it?

So how do you use it? Ask any question on twitter, just use “@start24x7” in front of your question, and you’ll get your answer – atleast a response – in a matter of minutes – and I kid not! Why don’t you take it for a spin!

Twitter url:
Credits to Leo Mavely (@startonomics) for giving this a push, when I vented it out as a strange idea.