I received a presentation on “Raising Venture Capital” by Diane Mulcahy author of Venturing Forward a guide to Raising Equity Capital in Ireland. I have not read the book but the presentation was excellent. It gave some data on how Amazon got started.

Entrepreneur : Q3 94 – Founder Jeff Bezos got started investing $10k and borrowing $44k
Friends & Family : Q2 95 – Founders Parents invest $245.5K, Q2-96 siblings invest $20k
Angels: Q4 95 – Two Angels invest $54.4K, Q1,96 , Angel Syndicate – 20 angels invest $46.85 each raising $937K
VC: Q2,96 – Two VC firms invest a total of $8MM
Exit : Q2,97 – 3MM shares sold on NASDAQ , IPO raising $49.1MM

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